Math word problem help?

2017-01-20 5:20 pm
All numbers that are evenly divisible by both 14 and 6 are also divisible by which of the following numbers ?


Please explain how you got the answer :)

I got 21...

回答 (2)

2017-01-20 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
14 = 2 × 7
6 = 2 × 3

The smallest common multiple of 14 and 6 = 2 × 3 × 7 = 42
42 is divisible by 21, but NOT divisible by 8, 12 or 28.

The answer: 21
2017-01-20 7:05 pm
14 = 2×7
6 = 2×3

LCM(14,6) = 2×3×7

Any answer must be the product of factors of the LCM.

21 = 3×7. The others fail.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:57:24
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