What's your least favorite cereal?

2017-01-20 2:04 am

回答 (16)

2017-01-20 2:41 am
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Fiber One. I can't afford to buy toilet paper every two days. Plus, I feel sorry for my toilet bowl when I eat Fiber One cereal.

For another perspective on Fiber One cereal, click on the You Tube video below. It's the late great comedian Dennis Wolfberg and his experience with Fiber One...skip to 1:30.

2017-01-20 2:04 am
Captain Crunch
2017-01-20 3:04 am
I love all cereal
2017-01-20 2:32 am
Bran flakes
2017-01-20 2:25 am
grape nuts. its fine if you like eating rocks
2017-01-20 2:23 am
Idk anything with no taste to it
2017-01-20 2:10 am
Don't hate me for it, by my least favorite cereal is Captain Crunch.
2017-01-20 2:10 am
Chocolate covered sugar bombs
2017-01-20 2:09 am
Raisin Bran
2017-01-20 2:08 am
Lucky Charms. Gross!
2017-01-20 2:07 am
I don't think I have a least favourite one really.

I love all cereal.

I especially love whole nut muesli with full fat milk.

2017-01-20 2:07 am
Special K
2017-01-20 2:07 am
Kix corn cereal.
2017-01-20 2:06 am
I really don't like cereal, I'd rather have a full English breakfast or some toast.
2017-01-20 2:06 am
Kellogs frosties....
2017-01-20 2:05 am

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