BLM or KKK- Which is worse?

2017-01-19 9:38 am

回答 (15)

2017-01-19 9:42 am
I'm not a fan of the movements of BLM, but is that even a question? Ofc KKK is worse
2017-01-19 9:49 am
Why are you even mentioning the two organizations in the same question? That is very stupid and very racist. BLM is protesting the unnecessary and unjust killing of African Americans. The KKK is a long-term racist terrorist organization.

What is the matter with you?
2017-01-19 9:40 am
There are only about 5 active KKK members, so the NlGGERS win, hands up!
2017-01-19 9:56 am
your question is the same as asking who's worse, Ghandi or Hitler.

1) BLM hasn't lynched anyone
2) BLM isn't consisted entirely of one race as a way to promote supremacy
3)The KKK actively killed any minorities that looked different
4) If you were white then the KKK could kill you to if you don't drastically hate minorities
5) The KKK started with the sole purpose of terrorizing minorities and promoting racial supremacy,something that BLM has never done
6)BLM is for the sole purpose of protesting police brutality against minorities, as well as the inequality of the justice system.
7) BLM sometimes rioted(don't agree with that method) because of the effects of a minority getting murdered by law enforcement without any justice, while as the KKK destroyed entire towns and neighborhoods just to terrorize minorities.
8) BLM is consisted of multiple races, whereas the KKK will only accept whites.
9)BLM isn't even organized enough to have any major political influence, whereas the KKK has power in the government, justice system, law enforcement, education system, and any other high ranking jobs.
10) you don't have to worry about BLM unless you're a racist cop that likes to discriminate against minorities, while the KKK feels empowered now, and they might go after you if you don't strictly follow their beliefs
11) the KKK will more than likely be around longer than BLM because they have more influence and power

does that cover everything?
2017-01-19 9:42 am
Why can't we all just get along?

Oh, wait, 99.999% of us do. Those bass-turd outliers are born criminals.

2017-01-19 9:47 am
Black lives DO matter.

And, KKK is all for ending every black life on the planet.

Now, you tell me which is worse. And, I'm guessing you'll side with the one that looks to end every black life on the planet.
2017-01-19 9:44 am
blm because they want to kill cops and burn up building and destroy property
2017-01-19 9:42 am
2017-01-19 9:39 am
Ask your Dad.

The Acorn does not fall too far from the tree...

too funny......
2017-01-19 9:45 am
As of NOW its BLM, I haven't heard anything the KKK has done in Years??
2017-01-19 9:39 am
KKK is best

They want to prevent whites becoming a minority in a nation founded and built by whites

Also, the US government has killed far more people in the middle east defending Israel's interests than the other two, including innocent civilians
2017-01-19 10:18 am
2017-01-19 9:39 am
That's like asking who is worst, the Axis or the Allies?
2017-01-19 9:51 am
BLM was organized by Obama, it is for profit and makes some serious money. KKK is a total drain to the taxpayers, we pay FBI agents full time to be members just incase they decide to do something dangerour.
2017-01-19 9:46 am
The KKK has become largely hidden. Sure it was bad 150-50 years ago but they know that they're going to be harassed now that society knows better than to support them.

BLM is in many ways similar to the KKK and have caused a number of violent crimes in the past few years. Knockout players might be associated with BLM,, the Chicago four were, I believe,

That said, BLM has become more than ana ctivist group and its numbers are greater than that of the KKK

BLM takes the cake as worst hate group 2014-2017

They need to knock it off.


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