A question for Atheists?

2017-01-19 2:20 am
Did you know that even though you profess disbelief in God, if you die before the end of this system of things that God, in his mercy, will see to it that you are resurrected and shown that he does, in fact, exist?

Acts 24:15
And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Isaiah 26:19
Your dead will live.
My corpses will rise up.
Awake and shout joyfully,
You residents in the dust!
For your dew is as the dew of the morning,
And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life.

Sad to say, most of the reasons for your disbelief is based on false information perpetrated by the religions of the world.

回答 (17)

2017-01-19 2:27 am
I don't want to be rude but why don't you get it that bible verses won't impress atheists?

Your question would make more sense to atheists when rephrased like this:
"Did you know I believe that even though you profess ..."

The answer from a lot of atheists to THAT question would be "yes, we know that but we don't care what you believe".

Lastly, you say that our disbelief is "based on false information perpetrated by the religions of the world". I'm not so sure what exactly you're referring to. Most of what religions claim is not information but unproved claims that have to be believed on faith. Christianity isn't any different in this regard, by the way.
2017-01-19 2:35 am
So you have to believe in god before death so as to get some reward, but he only shows you the proof that he exists after you die. That's what a jerk does, not someone with integrity and honesty.
2017-01-19 2:27 am
I'm sorry that you're sad , especially when you're sad about how we don't believe in magical beings in the sky and you think that's important enough to try to convince adults about the seriousness of your fairytale.

Makes you look just a tad silly.
2017-01-19 2:24 am
Cute story. May I suggest some life lessons from Goldilocks and the Three Bears for your next sermon?
參考: Thanks for the giggles. I needed that!
2017-01-19 2:30 am
The bible itself is the best proof the religion is nonsense.

If you believe in it, then for info, there being no afterlife is one of the few things the bible and atheists agree on:-

Eccl. 9:5, 10:
The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.

No heaven, no hell etc etc.
2017-01-19 2:28 am
Yes i know many afterlife myths, some examples...

Did you know that even though you profess disbelief in Osiris, if you die before the end of this system of things that Osiris, mercy, will see to it that you heart is weighed on a scale against the feather of Ma’at, the goddess of order, truth, and righteousness, in fact, exist?

Did you know that even though you profess disbelief in Odin, if you worthy die in battle Odin, in his righteousness, will see to if you are worthy that you are resurrected and stand at his side in the last battle before the end of this system of things
2017-01-19 3:07 am
Did you know that even though you profess disbelief in God, if you die before the end of this system of things that God, in his mercy, will see to it that you are resurrected and shown that he does, in fact

- Fundie, did you know all of that is made up?

And I have hope toward God,

- GOOD, now keep it to yourself.
2017-01-19 2:39 am
Rising corpses? Resurrection? I find that quite disgusting and seriously unsanitary. Besides, I sure as hell don't want to live again in this body -- severe scoliosis is no fun -- and that's just for starters.

I'll pass on resurrection, thanks.
2017-01-19 2:35 am
No - we don't know that because if we did, we wouldn't be atheists.
The reason I, and most other atheists, don’t believe is simply because we’ve never seen, heard, or felt anything to make us think that a god might exist. I went to church for 11 years, I went to Sunday School, I was taught a lot of things – but by the time I was 11 years old, I realised that I simply didn’t believe a word of it.

That’s not our ‘fault’ or us hating anything – it’s just us being logical and rational.
We’re not being obtuse or deliberately difficult – we’re just saying that we have never found any reason to believe in God.
2017-02-09 8:32 am
This doesn't really answer your question. There is a lot of science that has more logic behind it than a "higher power" creating the universe and the things in it. I mean just think about it, the bible was written in BC which was thousands of years ago. Back then they didn't have scientific tools or the knowledge to come up with logical explanations for things that were considered "strange". All religions were created to help explain natural phenomenons in the world. The bible for all we know was written by some people who wanted a way of explaining how we all got here. It was the only thing they knew because they didn't have any other way of figuring out how things happened. Just think about it.

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