Have you ever walked a mile in someone else's shoes?

2017-01-18 1:28 pm

回答 (5)

2017-01-18 1:38 pm
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No. But I have walked the same path, and I understand.
2017-01-18 1:42 pm
2017-01-18 1:30 pm
No. The only time I use someone else's shoes is for bowling, and I never go a mile in bowling shoes.
2017-01-18 1:29 pm
nah why would u wanna do that
2017-01-18 1:33 pm
Not literally..I wear my own shoes..With much understanding
of others..minus being a fool and a doormat..Do not use and
abuse other people,and think that is okay..trust,it is not.
I can understand many situations,as many of my friends will
tell you,and..those who care,have the ability to give back,the
same..Give respect,and you will receive it as,well..Oh..and
may I add to the all..If the shoe fits..wear it.~*

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