Physics problem help please?

2017-01-18 12:43 pm
A 12 g toy car moving to the right at 21 cm/s has a head-on nearly elastic collision with a 23 g toy car moving in the opposite direction at 34 cm/s. After colliding, the 12 g car moves with a velocity of 51 cm/s to the left. What is the speed of the second car after the collision in units of cm/s? Thanks so much to anyone who answers

回答 (1)

2017-01-18 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Take all vectors to the right to be positive, left to be negative.

m₁ u₁ + m₂ u₂ = m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂
12 × 21 + 23 × (-34) = 12 × (-51) + 23 v₂
v₂ = 3.6 cm/s

The speed of the second car after the collision = 3.6 cm/s
(to the right)

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