what will you do when it starts raining and you don't have an umbrella?

2017-01-17 4:00 pm

回答 (10)

2017-01-17 4:09 pm
Ask Sarah Palin if she could possibly let me stand under her umbrella, then I'm taking liberties with her hot body. I might even start smooching with her. But, I'll be dry and that's what counts.
2017-01-17 4:31 pm
Brave it
2017-01-17 4:21 pm
Run to the nearest shelter.
2017-01-17 4:14 pm
Buy one.
2017-01-17 4:11 pm
Walk through the rain 🌂
2017-01-17 4:09 pm
ghost behind someone who has got one
2017-01-17 4:04 pm
Get wet
2017-01-17 4:02 pm
Walk in the rain.
2017-01-17 4:01 pm
I go indoor.
2017-01-17 4:01 pm
Get wet!

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