What can we expect from a Trump Presidency?

2017-01-17 3:37 am
Benevolent Dictator Trump

Beholden to no-one, President Trump dispenses with political bickering, cuts away swathes of bureaucracy and red tape, and replaces it with simple, direct, effective solutions that no-one tried before because they were so caught up in politics or not wanting to offend anyone or reading books or something. I think that’s right.

Trump crafts an unpredictable yet nimble, energetic, and effective administration, unafraid to make unpopular decisions so long as they’re right. It is happy times for everyone who agrees with Trump’s version of right, which is everyone, by decree of a new federal law. Protesters and other unpatriotic unAmericans are taken to the desert to toil to build a statue of Trump so high it can blot out the sun.

Term limits are abolished. In his eleventh year of rule, a small band of protestors vandalize the statue by blasting off the toupée and are shot on live national television, their remains displayed outside the city gates. God-Emperor Trump dies peacefully in his sleep in his twenty-third year of rule, surrounded by concubines. After a week of national mourning, the nation descends into bloody civil war as various full- and half-blooded Trump offspring lead armies in a battle for control of their father’s empire. Dragons return. Ivanka rides one.

回答 (9)

2017-01-17 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
a lot of talk a lot of promises a lot of opposition and stalemate when the money god brings the hammer down
2017-01-17 3:37 am
By the time he waves goodbye from the chopper, Trump has vacuumed so much money from the American public that he and his family are the wealthiest people in modern history, richer even than he claims to be today. A drip-feed of revelations of fraud, embezzlement, and cronyism on an unprecedented scale hound him, along with persistent talk of federal prosecution, but none of it goes anywhere, dissipating like waves against the rocky shore of Trump’s now-impenetrable empire of lawyers, cash, and paid-up influence.

Weakened by pillaging, the welfare system faces a short-term credit crunch, leading to riots among the poor and unemployed. This is held up by Republicans as proof of the fundamental non-viability of the welfare state and the need to abolish it altogether, a view supported by low-skilled male white voters who are shortly to become unemployed themselves as the shock of decreased government spending rolls through the economy. California and Texas secede and close their borders. Nevada falls to roaming biker gangs. The Trump family acquires Manhattan at market-bottom prices and builds a wall around it, a real one, not just a fence.
2017-01-17 3:48 am
A repeat of failed Reagonomics for the US economy.
An attempt at isolationism, except for his buddy Putin.
More wars because that is good for the defense contractors who will give great kickback bonuses to the Trump 'family' businesses.
And a return to the 1950s for social issues.
2017-01-17 3:44 am
Winter is coming....
2017-01-17 3:45 am
He will work at balancing the federal budget, you know, spend no more than the income. That has not happened for many years. He will take measures to make companies want to be in business in the USA and quit moving to other countries. He will enforce the immigration laws that have already been in place for decades. He will make incentives for people on welfare to become gainfully employed. That is a start. Do you have a problem with these goals?
2017-01-17 3:44 am
Or, far more likely, sometime in 2018 Putin gets bored with his toy and releases the watersports videos while fully disclosing the extent of his manipulation of the regime that has allowed him to such Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic back into the Russian sphere of influence. Even the Republican House looks to vote to impeach based on that act of treason, plus clear evidence of corruption on multiple fronts and personal vendettas that make Nixon look like George Washington in comparison.
2017-01-17 4:07 am
Do all liberals think like this?
2017-01-17 3:40 am
2017-01-17 3:51 am
Hard to tell.
How much HOPE AND CHANGE have we seen int he last eight years ?
If 9-11 had not happened what would the Bush Presidency have looked like ?
We still would have had the financial meltdown. Would Kerry have been president then ?

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