Would God tell me he is going to give me a job without telling me what the job is?

2017-01-16 11:48 pm

回答 (6)

2017-01-16 11:54 pm
If a nonexistent god tells you anything you are schizophrenic.
2017-01-16 11:49 pm

The caveat is that god only gives out blow jobs
2017-01-16 11:53 pm
I'm pretty sure God doesn't hire people. you want a job, go out and get one.
2017-01-16 11:50 pm
God has never said anything to anyone, more than a an occasional burning bush. Why would God say anything to you?
2017-01-16 11:51 pm
If you don't know God, as in born-again, He won't say anything except repent and listen
to Jesus.
2017-01-16 11:49 pm
Sure. Sometimes HE will, sometimes not.

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