Who is someone who you disagree with politically but still admire?

2017-01-16 8:30 am
I m a conservative but I liked Christopher Hitchens

回答 (7)

2017-01-16 9:19 am
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From the past -- Sir Robert Menzies, a former Prime Minister of Australia. I apposed his right-wing conservative politics and the fact he sold raw iron to the Japanese just prior to WW-2. He was an excellent orator and stateman. Also a contemporary of Menzies was John Curtain. He led the Australian Labor Party when it was a left-wing party and he was an excellent war-time Prime Minister of Australia. Some of his actions during the war helped the Australian economy after the war. Gen Chifley took over the role as Prime Minister when Curtain died and some of his actions after the war turned many people away from the ALP and that was one of the reasons he lost the 1949 elections.

Currently -- Both Kevin Rudd and Julia Guillard. Both former Prime Ministers of Australia and the leader of a centralist political party, the "Australian Labor Party" (ALP) which started off as a left-wing "socialist" party. Both did a lot of good for Australia and the economy but the actions in other areas were poor.

Outside of Australia -- FDR -- his foreign policies were excellent but his American domestic policies were appalling. Similarly with Woodrow Wilson.
Sir Winston Churchill -- I completely appose the political views he held but as a national leader in a time of war, he was good along with being an excellent orator and statesman.
2017-01-16 8:31 am
I like Tulsi Gabbard. LOL
2017-01-16 8:41 am
2017-01-16 8:36 am
Charles Krauthammer often is on the right side of things~!
2017-01-16 8:32 am
I like old man John McCain.
2017-01-16 8:34 am
Hitchens was a Jew

Like sagan, krauss, harris...

All leading atheist Jews

They are atheists because they see Christianity as a threat to Jewish survival due to historical reasons
2017-01-16 8:34 am
I would say Daddy Bush.

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