Why do the churches teach that all good people go to heaven when they die?

2017-01-16 2:28 am
This is contrary to what Jesus taught.

Matthew 5:5
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

回答 (11)

2017-01-16 2:29 am
No, your premise is off, so your question is a moot issue. Which churches are you referring to, and where is the evidence for your accusation?
2017-01-16 2:32 am
Some churches teach that. "The churches" should be clarified when you post a question. Bible believing churches teach no such thing. Being a "good person" does not get you into heaven but rather saving faith in Christ
2017-01-16 2:39 am
I don't know what churches you are talking about, but first of all Christian churches teach that everybody is a sinner, and that is why we need Jesus.
2017-01-16 2:50 am
that teaching is NOT in The Instruction of The Creator God to those of His Church(those of The True Christian Faith)
2017-01-16 8:27 am
You are absolutely right. Have you ever asked a minister this question and asked about Matthew 5:5? Chances are he would not give you a straight answer. We have the hope of living on a paradise earth, even forever. Psalms 37:11 and 29 If there were no wicked people on earth today, would this earth not be like paradise? Psalms 37:10 Under God's Kingdom only meek righteous people will be allowed to live on the earth as its subjects. Jehovah's Witnesses, although from every nation, tribe and tongue, are clear evidence that people everywhere can live in unity and peace even among wicked mocking people. Yes, from over 240 countries more than 8,340,000 are preaching "shoulder to shoulder" in fulfillment of Zephaniah 3:9 and in fulfillment of Jesus' words more than 2,000 years ago. Matthew 24:14 More than 10,115,000 Bible studies are being conducted earth-wide today. You can see these things for yourself if you go to the international website, jw.org and About Us > Activities and Conventions. See Bible Teachings > Bible Questions Answered and watch videos such as Why Study the Bible and Does God have a Name? You can even request your FREE personal Bible study online at a time and place convenient for you. Thank you for this question.
2017-01-16 4:46 am
Without Jesus we all would die, that simple. Not being good or bad or anything but Jesus.
And the verse you speak of does not mean what you are trying to make it mean.
Jesus saves and is the only way.
The verse is a truth of God but you are misinterpreting it so you know.
hope this helps.
2017-01-16 3:44 am
That is correct. Sadly, to many, the hope of living on a paradise earth is seen as a poor second. However, I would want to live anywhere else. Those who go to heaven are no longer male and female, they are as the angels (Gal 3:28). These ones are to rule with Christ in his Kingdom (modern word Government) over the earth (Rev 5:10). Simply, for any government to rule over a country, they must have subjects or what would be the point? This government promises wonderful living conditions upon the earth that include:

“There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to God’s promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Peter 3:13; Isaiah 65:17)
Wickedness, warfare, crime, and violence will be gone. “The wicked one will be no more…But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth.” (Psalm 37:10, 11) Peace will exist because ‘God will make wars cease to the ends of the earth.’ (Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 2:4) Then “the righteous one will sprout, and the abundance of peace until the moon is no more”—and that means forever!—Psalm 72:7.
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.
“The eyes of the blind ones will be opened.”—Isaiah 35:5
Sickness will vanish. As Ruler of God’s heavenly Kingdom, Jesus will do healing on a far grander scale than when he was on earth. (Matthew 9:35; Mark 1:40-42; John 5:5-9) Then “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24; 35:5, 6.
“There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth.”—Psalm 72:16.
God will bless his righteous ones, and “the earth itself will certainly give its produce.”—Psalm 67:6.
There will be peace between humans and animals. Wild and domestic animals will feed together. Even a little child will have nothing to fear from animals that are now dangerous.—Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25.
The whole earth will become a paradise. Lovely new homes and gardens will occupy land that had once been ruined by sinful humans. (Isaiah 65:21-24; Revelation 11:18)
Dead loved ones will be restored to life with the prospect of never dying. All those sleeping in death who are in God’s memory will be brought back to life. In fact, “there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Acts 24:15; John 5:28, 29.

This is just a small sample of what is to occur in the near future for those awaiting God's Kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for (Mt 6:10).
2017-01-16 2:54 am
That would probably be Catholics and JW'S. I heard that their Bibles tell of a tale like that.. But real Christians know the only way to Heaven is through JESUS !!
2017-01-16 2:54 am
Because they are all part of Satan's false religions. John saw this begin at the end of the 1st century. Coming out of True Christian organization, they started changing what remains true, into filthy things--or Antichrists.

Outwardly they appear to be Christian, but as 1&2 John reveal, they do everything they can to tear it down with false teachings and actions. When was the last time you questioned what was taught? Made them show proof from the Bible such a teaching was true?

As for going to heaven, Jesus at John 10:16 showed after talking about the "little flock" who go to heaven, he begins talking about "other sheep, not of this fold". This group is far larger, as Rev. 7:9 details, " a great crowd which no man was able to number" who stand on the Earth.

No one before 33CE even thought about heaven until Jesus gave a nrw covenant at Luke 22:28-30.
No one has hone to heaven except for the one who descended, Jesus. According to John 3;13.
Most of us will not go, but maybe Earth.
2017-01-16 2:30 am
religious cults have to invent a fantasy of exclusiveness to peak the interests of gullible dullards so they'll join the cult and start paying tithes and letting the cult leaders fvck their children...

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