How big is Japan?

2017-01-15 10:57 pm

回答 (15)

2017-01-16 7:28 am
This big ...
2017-01-16 5:40 am
About the size of Montana or a bit smaller than California. Why?
2017-01-16 11:38 pm
If you have haters , you must be doing something right . A** holes ...
2017-01-24 4:38 pm
It's not big, but very interesting.
2017-01-24 3:40 am
2017-01-23 3:02 pm
378,000 km².
Almost same as Germany, Finland, Iraq.
Montana and New Mexico are almost same as Japan.
2017-01-21 8:40 pm
Big concern modern technology.
2017-01-21 11:59 am
2017-01-18 3:18 pm
Japan is very big and it covered almost 377,972.28 square km and the culture in Japan is very calm.The people in Japan is very helping in their soul and they can't forget any people in any manner if they don't know the other person.
2017-01-16 8:08 pm
USA is 20 times as large as Japan in area. California is almost same size as Japan.
2017-01-16 5:04 am
145,936 square kilometers. It's comparable to the state of California in rough size, albeit a few thousand smaller.
2017-01-15 11:01 pm
Not really
2017-01-15 10:59 pm
377,972 km²
2017-01-20 10:16 am
small enough where it only took 2 bombs to end the war
2017-01-15 11:28 pm

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