What's your favorite cereal?

2017-01-15 8:47 pm

回答 (30)

2017-01-16 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Responsibly - All Bran Flakes

Irresponsibly - Froot Loops
2017-01-15 8:52 pm
It used to be honey smacks.

Haven't had cereal since I was a kid though xD Way overpriced for what it is in my opinion :) Now I very much prefer a poached egg with toast <333
2017-01-15 9:31 pm
Raisin Bran Crunch
2017-01-15 9:19 pm
I don't know if you'd count this as cereal but I have oats in a blender with oranges, berries, a banana with chocolate protein powder.
2017-01-15 9:01 pm
Pisum sativum
2017-01-15 8:53 pm
Steel Cut Oatmeal with strawberries and pecans
2017-01-20 12:45 pm
Lucky Charms
Froot loops
2017-01-19 1:25 pm
Corn Flakes
2017-01-19 6:36 am
Chocolate pops
2017-01-18 5:22 pm
Raisin bran
2017-01-18 7:33 am
Cookie Crisp
2017-01-18 5:41 am
Cinnamon Life mixed with Lucky Charms original with more marshmallows.
2017-01-17 4:39 pm
Front Loops
2017-01-17 7:05 am
2017-01-15 11:56 pm
2017-01-15 10:56 pm
I can't pick one 😕 Front loops and raisin bran
2017-01-15 10:44 pm
Frosted Flakes
2017-01-15 10:23 pm
Cap'n Crunch
2017-01-15 9:53 pm
Monster Munch cereals,
2017-01-15 9:49 pm
Healthy Hearts
2017-01-15 9:23 pm
Muesli with fresh fruit.
2017-01-15 9:23 pm
2017-01-15 9:16 pm
Coco pops
2017-01-15 9:06 pm
Coco pops and crunchy nut
2017-01-15 9:03 pm
2017-01-15 9:02 pm
Coco pops
2017-01-15 9:02 pm
Frosted flakes. But i also eat rasin bran.golden puffs. And cinn toast crunch
2017-01-15 9:02 pm
Corn Flakes.
2017-01-15 8:59 pm
2017-01-15 8:57 pm
Good old fashioned Cheerios!
2017-01-15 8:55 pm
Cinamon Life
2017-01-15 8:51 pm
Coco pops
2017-01-15 8:51 pm
none that drains the milk
2017-01-15 8:49 pm
porridge oats
2017-01-15 8:49 pm
Cocoa puffs
2017-01-15 8:48 pm
Special K

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