What is the meaning when someone say "He s really something?" What does "something mean?" Sorry for my bad english thanks?

2017-01-14 7:50 pm

回答 (5)

2017-01-14 8:07 pm
"He is really something" means he is very remarkable or outstanding, regardless if it is good or bad.
2017-01-14 7:58 pm
Remarkable in some way. It might be good or bad. The something might be that he is obnoxious or it might be that he is talented or attractive.
2017-01-22 11:36 pm
It means he is remarkable or notable. It is ambiguous - can mean is something good or something bad.
2017-01-20 6:08 pm
It means that the speaker views him as being a person somehow apart from the ordinary. It is generally a compliment but can also be a form of "back-handed" compliment: a form of insult.
2017-01-14 7:53 pm
It differentiates somebody as being special and is opposite to "He is nothing." meaning that he is not special.

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