Why did Obama do such a bad job?

2017-01-13 5:51 am

回答 (108)

2017-01-13 10:50 pm
He faced a vicious Republican led barrage of constant opposition- He faced nonstop vitriolic ugliness and a disinformation machine set out to destroy him from day one- He inherited a complete nightmare on all fronts from the Bush White House- We are lucky that we did not end up in a major predicament as precarious as the world stage is right now... Obama's steady hand and diplomacy were sorely needed in this moment. He's sharp as a tack and he measures his responses which irritates people who don't respect those qualities. People who mistake bullying and force as a sign of leadership found his approach to be wimpy or soft. I believe once Trump takes power they will see just how wrong they are. World War 3 may already be happening frankly. Trump is the guy who will tip it over the edge and bring the war to our streets I'm afraid. I'm not big on Obamacare and there were other things that were always sore spots- He promised he'd close Guantanamo and didn't. But he was a decent man and an adequate president. He wasn't the greatest of all time, but he was far far from the worst. Wonder how he could have done in an age a little farther removed from the roots of racism and ignorance.
2017-01-16 12:37 am
Obama did such a bad job because he's dumb. Lots of Americans like to listen to him speak about his utopian socialist future where nobody has to do the dirty jobs, but Obama's presidency proves that socialism is bad. Our government debt has doubled to $20T, 95M Americans don't work, and several previously free countries have fallen to radical Islamic rule. All because of Obama. Any one of these things qualifies a President as "doing a bad job"... Obama did them all!
2017-01-14 4:57 am
Because Mitch McConnell did not let Obama do anything. McConnell made it a point to make Obama look bad, in order to try to keep Obama from being re-elected. Then, Obama got re-elected, after all. I bet McConnell threw a fit at home, when that happened. When Obama first got in, in 2009, McConnell said to Obama, "Do what we say, or else." McConnell basically said the same thing to Obama the second time Obama got elected.

So, if it happened that Obama really did do a bad job, it's because of Mitch McConnell's effort, with the help of the other republicans, to make it where Obama will have done a bad job. And, that's exactly what happened. Every single thing that Obama set out to do, McConnell made it a point to keep it from happening. At the expense of USA. McConnell was willing to let USA go down, and in fact, even make USA go down, deliberately, just to make it where Obama will have done a bad job.

That's why.
2017-01-15 7:37 pm
Let's look back at the end of 2008 shall we, and then look at where we are now!

Now can you tell the difference between the two? The one at the end of 2008 was a steaming sh!t pile, the worst financial melt down in living memory, and after a two term Republican administration they decline to own anything, not their fault at all, one weak piss poor excuse after another!!!

And now in 2017 our economy is growing stronger, the markets at record highs with one of the longest bull runs in history, unemployment at around 4.6%, our auto industry saved, the highest number of medically insured ever, and the housing market fully recovered, AND the task that Bush gave up on, Bin Laden was found and liquidated with no American loss of life! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

So to say that this thoughtful intelligent President has done a bad job is the mutterings of a complete and utter frigging imbecile!!!

Let's see what this world class orange embarrassment can do, because all we have heard so far is a lot of big talk and thin skinned whining!!! He is getting a far better start to his first term than Obama had that's for sure, so let's see how long it takes for him to f**k it all up, because that's the only thing Republicans seem to be good at! When they f**k up, they do it better than anyone!!!
2017-01-14 1:39 pm
The amount of incorrect information and propaganda in some of these answers is part of the problem. Obama did not do a bad job as president. The facts speak for themselves. When he took office our economy was failing, wall street had hit its lowest point ever, jobs were being lost by the millions, consumer confidence was at an all time low. His policies and actions turned that around. Under his presidency the stock market has reached the highest it ever has been in our history, we have experienced the longest period of job growth since world war 2, our economy has rebounded, consumer confidence is at an all time high. All of this while experiencing unprecedented obstruction from congress and the GOP. History will acknowledge Obama as one of the best presidents ever.
2017-01-13 4:03 pm
I don't think he did a bad job (then again I could be wrong)

My belief about Obama is that he only wanted to really be the very first man in the white house that was black and he knew that regardless of what he did or didn't do that would be what he was most going to be remembered for in this country and in the world. He really didn't have to do very much while in the white house except be himself and ride that ticket for 8 years.
2017-01-15 12:56 am
I don't think he did a bad job (then again I could be wrong)

My belief about Obama is that he only wanted to really be the very first man in the white house that was black and he knew that regardless of what he did or didn't do that would be what he was most going to be remembered for in this country and in the world. He really didn't have to do very much while in the white house except be himself and ride that ticket for 8 years.
2017-01-15 7:41 am
He had great acomplishment. He did more in 8 years to build the Republican party than any President in History. Not just Federal but in States & city level. The man was the greatest in building his party. Party's take a close look at were the votes are. Were the wins are & support that to stay in power. He was also a great actor. But action speaks louder than script. A great leader He was. Leaving his aponuts in confusion, after the final act He led.
2017-01-16 11:22 pm
Presidents have some influence and can write laws and bills Just like any other elected official. Presidents have one big game changer and it is the veto. When the president was faced with opposition most of his term he was in the minority so he could do little. What he did get done in that situation was a monumental effort. He did not beg the public to influence opinion or complain that his first 120 days was consumed with the economy that was on the down hill for two previous presidents. He did a good job as president. Republicans did very little to keep the wheels turning and simply told the nation they were not going to give the president satisfaction for any of his achievements. The system is an effort to move and the republicans did not show up for work. I support republican goals but they did not get much done and undermined much of what we did see, So Obama did the job well. The results are not to monumental but the conversation he started makes some sense.
2017-01-16 9:54 am
President Obama assisted our congress in saving our economy from going into another depression, saving our auto industry, saving other industries,
lowering our dependence on oil from outside our own country, protecting the rights of women and children, protecting our environment and keeping our country from entering other needless wars. Instead of being glued to the Fox Fake News Network. Do a web search of all the things that President Obama has accomplished,

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