What metal genre do you like?

2017-01-13 5:28 am
I like all genres of metal

回答 (31)

2017-01-16 1:12 am
Alternative Metal(if it's considered a genre of metal)
Heavy Metal
Glam Metal
2017-01-13 8:37 pm
1. Traditional Metal
2. Progressive Metal
3. Heavy Metal
4. Thrash Metal
5. Power Metal
6. Groove Metal
7. Nu Metal
8. Alternative Metal
9. Djent
10.Speed Metal

These are the only metal genre's I like. Anything heavier is something I can't stand especially black metal and death metal.
2017-01-20 8:05 pm
Post metal
Progressive metal
Instrumental metal
MIO (Metal In Opposition) like RIO, but heavier
Whatever genre bands like Blotted Science, Mattias IA Eklund. and Canvas Solaris are.
2017-01-20 12:00 am
Doom...love it, embrace it.
but some of these other metal genres have some stupid like "post metal"
I listen to much in that genre but the name is stupid.
2017-01-19 9:35 pm
Anything from glam metal to black metal. It really depends on my mood. Glam is probably my favourite though (call me a poser all you like).
2017-01-15 4:22 pm
Symphonic, Power, Thrash, Heavy. Primarily, I'm not a big metal listener.
2017-01-14 7:55 am
It really depends on the band itself. As long as a band's music keeps me engaged and wanting more, it doesn't matter which subgenre of metal it is.
2017-01-13 12:46 pm
Not sure what genre of metal they are but I like stuff like Killswitch Engage, All That Remains, Trivium, Times of Grace, etc.
2017-01-13 8:46 am
All of them. But some more than others.
2017-01-13 6:31 am
Most. There are some I prefer to others - I enjoy Power metal and Heavy metal (the classics, like Dio, IM, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, etc.) but don't enjoy Death and Black metal as much. Pirate metal is great too.

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