Is there a point in of getting married?

2017-01-13 5:14 am
ok here is the thing getting marry is good because you are marrying the person of your dreams but is it worth it.
Here is some pros and cons about marriage
You are with the person you love forever.
You can talk about stuff with each other.
You have more respect for each other.
You can make a family.
You can make a lot of money.

Devoices because when getting devoice effects a man more than a women because what happens is the women basically gets everything from kids, cars, house, money and maybe all the close of your back and also wants that happens the man is still meant to pay for the chilled that he can see because he is probably homeless or he might of hang himself so yeah.

回答 (9)

2017-01-13 6:31 am
When I got divorced, I paid for the divorce, I gave my husband a house full of furniture that I had bought BEFORE we were married. He benefitted financially better than I did. So, you premise is wrong.
2017-01-13 10:05 am
Clearly you know nothing about marriage OR divorce.

Yes, for a great many there is a point in getting married (even with the risk of divorce).
2017-01-13 8:58 am
You should take a writing class.

Marriage benefits both spouses equally.
Divorce laws are the same for both genders.
2017-01-13 5:42 am
Your only TWO pros that make sense aside, the rest of your reasoning, both pro and con, are very childish and really stupid.

People that ask these questions should NEVER be married, how about that?
2017-01-13 5:30 am
Maybe you should learn how to spell "divorce" before you start knocking marriage, kiddo.
2017-01-14 3:51 am
First, it is DIVORCED. Second, the man doesn't get everything taken away. Most states it is half or less. The expensive part comes with kids, so don't have kids (in fact, don't get married) unless you are in for the long haul. If the divorce is a messy one, with lots of animosity, and cheating, then yeah, a woman will try to strip the man naked, but who's fault is that? Happy wife, happy life- Happy husband, happy life.
2017-01-13 10:54 am
It is for those who want marriage, its not for those who dont want marriage.
2017-01-13 5:20 am
Is this translated? Devoices? chilled? close? The notion that if you're married "you can make a lot of money"?

Pros and cons of marriage written by someone who knows very little about the topic.
2017-01-13 5:21 am
I think the main points of marriage these days are mainly having to do with religion, tradition or a personal desire to make that public commitment.

What you list here, honestly most of those things if not all you can have with a person without a legal marriage. It's just dependent on how you choose to be with your partner. A piece of paper won't keep one faithful or loyal. Your choices and character do.

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