What's it like driving from Anchorage to Fairbanks?

2017-01-13 3:08 am
I'm doing a short trip to Alaska in February. I was wondering the best way to get to Fairbanks from Anchorage. Flying is an option, but I won't see much scenery. The drive is probably beautiful, but the roads may be bad that time of year. There is also the Alaska Railroad.

回答 (3)

2017-01-13 3:22 am
I would drive. Railroad is slow and full of people and cramped and you can't get out to enjoy the views. Unless you are in the middle of a big storm the road conditions are going to be good. Even if it snows the plows have it cleaned off pretty quick. Here is a link to the current conditions at the midpoint. http://roadweather.alaska.gov/iways/roadweather/forms/SiteSum.html?areaId=1&perspectiveId=1&siteId=31

Take some food/water and extra warm clothes with you just in case of emergency.
2017-01-13 7:21 am
I've done the drive in the winter several times. As long as there isn't a snow storm happening while you are driving, it isn't that bad.
They keep the roads pretty well plowed, but expect there to be packed snow on the Parks most of the way between Talkeetna and Fairbanks. Due to the cold, it usually isn't that slick though, but take it easy between Nenana and Ester. That's probably the worst section in winter, along with a small section just south of Healy.
If it is snowing at the time, expect the trip to take longer.
Watch out for moose. They like to run along the road in winter since it's easier than walking through deep snow.
Start off a little before sunrise so that you can do the trip in the daylight. Make sure you have some extra warm clothes with you, some water, and some food in case your car breaks down. There is pretty much squat for service for about 100 miles between the Talkeetna Spur Rd and Cantwell, and long stretches after that with no services.
It is a beautiful drive, but just keep in mind that the last 200 miles or so (or maybe the entire trip) could be sub-zero.
The Alaska RR has limited service in the winter. You can check out their schedule online to see if that's an option for your particular schedule.
2017-01-13 3:09 am
not sure

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