Which of the following is true regarding vapor pressure of a liquid?

2017-01-12 7:37 pm
a) The vapor pressure of a liquid increases with increasing temperature.

b) The vapor pressure of a liquid decreases with increasing temperature.

c) The vapor pressure of a liquid is independent of temperature.

d) The vapor pressure of a liquid is directly proportional to intermolecular forces, the greater the forces, then the higher the vapor pressure.

回答 (1)

2017-01-12 8:23 pm
When temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules in liquid also increases. Therefore, molecules in liquid escape from the liquid to vapor form more readily, and thus vapor pressure increases. Hence, a) is true, while b) and c) are both false.

Stronger intermolecular forces would held the molecules in liquid more strongly, and thus molecules in liquid escape from the liquid to vapor form less readily. Therefore, the greater the intermolecular forces, the lower the vapor pressure is. Hence, d) is false.

The answer: a) The vapor pressure of a liquid increases with increasing temperature.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:02:10
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