doughnuts are sold in bags and cartons. A bag holds 4 doughnuts and a carton holds 10 doughnuts?

2017-01-12 2:23 am
tom buys B bags of doughnuts and C cartons of doughnuts. He buys a total of T doughnuts. write down a formula for T in terms of B and C

回答 (2)

2017-01-12 2:49 am
There are 4 donuts per bag, so the total number of donuts in the bags would be 4B.
There are 10 donuts per carton, so the total number of donuts in the cartons would be 10C.

These added together would give you the total number of donuts (T).

T = 4B + 10C

As a test, imagine Tom bought 3 bags and 6 cartons. Do you get that he would have 72 donuts?
2017-01-12 2:27 am
Aljebra is STUPID

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