What do you think causes nowadays teenagers to struggle with anxiety, depression, self harm and even suicide. What is the solution to this?

2017-01-11 7:08 am

回答 (4)

2017-01-11 7:11 am
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I think adolescents today are really pressured to get perfect grades and be perfect in every other area, too. They are not allowed to try something and fail.

To improve this, parents and the educational system need to back off and let teens explore things without the pressure of coming out on top.
2017-01-11 7:19 am
Hormones are the natural physiological cause; lack of a strong nuclear family is the psychological cause.

Taking on the gender characteristics starting in the preteen years can be intimidating. Urges towards the opposite (or even same) sex are uncontrollable it seems. And "dirty" experimentation behind closed doors can lead to guilt complexes.

But the lack of strong family ties and tradition is the other half of the anxiety coin. Support from mom and dad are important to build up self esteem. And self esteem is key to good mental health.

Just the tradition of sitting down together at the table, the whole family, for dinner each evening can be supportive. But that simple act of support has waned over the years. It's been replaced by mom and dad each working to make ends meet. And the kids dashing off in somebody's hot rod to go to the mall or worse. No one sits down to dinner anymore.

So when the kids need it the most, during puberty, mom and dad are not around. Self esteem gets shot down and anxiety and depression take its place.

2017-01-11 8:26 am
It has been this way for many decades. It is nothing new...we just hear about it more due to social media and such
2017-01-11 7:52 am
So much pressure, strife and fear in the world. Pray for Trump; he will fix most of that and you will be safer.

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