To get my license?

2017-01-11 6:19 am
Say I live in Florida and I just get my permit. You have to wait a year to get your actual license. I'm moving back to Michigan soon and when you get your permit in Michigan, you can get your license in your birthday. Will it get transferred over and I'll get my license on my birthday or do I have to wait a full year

回答 (2)

2017-01-11 6:26 am
Driving permits and licenses are not transferable from state to state. If you are now becoming a resident of Michigan your Florida permit is irrelevant. You will need to start the Michigan state permit process from the beginning.
2017-01-11 12:51 pm
Nothing gets transferred to Michigan. You will obtain a Michigan permit and when you meet Michigan's requirements, you can get your drivers license.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:00:13
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