telekinesis is real if yes then how its possible ?

2017-01-10 9:52 pm

回答 (4)

2017-01-10 10:03 pm
It is not real.
2017-01-14 8:08 am
Telekinesis is real-- there has been test done by the military, by the intelligence communities, even by big corporations like Sony-- as well as by free thinkers like Nobel Prize winning quantum physicist, Wolfgang Pauli. The people who say it's not real are either lying to you, lying to themselves, or are just ignorant of the facts.

When you ask, "How is it possible," do you mean how does one do it? Or what is the scientific explanation?

Some while ago, someone-- perhaps it was the Monroe Institute-- did psi research the smart way. They got together a bunch of psis (psi-gifted people) and did neurological research on them as they used their individual psi abilities. The research showed that telepaths functioned at very low brainwave frequencies (6 Hz), that telekinetic people at a somewhat higher theta frequency (7 Hz), clairvoyants and precognitive people at 8.3 Hz), etc. Since there are about 80 different psi abilities, it's most likely that each type works on a basic frequency rather than 80 separate ones. Meaning, besides telekinesis-- storm control, levitation, thought photography and nearly a dozen other related abilities-- are all triggered by the same 7 Hz trigger frequency.

Most humans can't and don't function at such frequencies. At 7 Hz, what's known as a theta wave, this frequency is only seen during fear, hatred, or even boredom-- the simple explanation why everyone isn't telekinetic. At 6 Hz, most people are asleep, so few people who can walk around and function as telepaths when most others would be asleep. All psi abilities are as much neurological, biological, and physiological as they are a matter of physics.

Now, as for the physics. Science hasn't been around more than about 350 years. Anyone who says that science knows everything is a liar-- science bare has scratched the surface of reality and right now is stuck in a few limited paradigms like electromagnetism, weak force, strong force, and gravity. If something happens outside of those four, then by the stupid rules of science, it can't happen. Rejects the facts to fit the theories-- much like the kind of religious dogma where folks rejected the idea that the Earth is not the center of universe even though the priests said it was.

But here's a fact or two. Psi energy is not electromagnetic-- it moves faster than light through subspace domains. Therefore it's strength does not decrease with distance, and it can't be filtered or shielded through any known physical substances. People say stupid things like the brain doesn't produce enough power to move things. But remember, it's not the finger that makes bullets move, but just pull the trigger that causes the bullet to move. It's the brain that triggers telekinesis-- not causes it.

The mind/the soul-- life itself is not just so much electrical activity; if it was, people could create life in laboratories or bring the dead back to life. Life is an extra-dimensional attribute perhaps magnitudes of orders greater than we even begin to understand, and as such thought-- and the speed of thought-- is a function of other domains. It's the fact that thought travels through subspace that makes psi abilities like remote viewing and telepathy possible. Thought can interact with the things we call "physical." Keep in mind (no pun intended) that we don't understand what reality is. A guy called Albert Einstein once said that reality is just an illusion, albeit a persistent one. He also said that science hasn't discovered more than 1\1000th of what nature has to offer. So when some schmuck says that telekinesis is impossible, ask him to explain the nature of reality to you and why telekinesis is *not* possible.
2017-01-11 1:15 am
It is not real because it is impossible. There is no mechanism available for thought to move matter by direct influence.

If you want to make something move you need to push it. Doing that involves a physical pusher. The human brain does not have such a thing.

Extremely light air currents, which could move extremely light objects, could be set in motion by the usual heat radiated from the head, but that is of course not due to thought as such.
2017-01-20 1:57 am
IF it is real, It is likely accomplished via QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT as per David Bohm's "Quantum Potential Field" (QPF) in HUT Physics (Holographic Universe Theory) Wherein SPACE as the distance between objects does not exist at a higher level of reality. The 3D space and positions within are how we PERCIEVE different energy attributes of particles at OUR level of reality--so distance is primarily "illusionary" relative to higher reality levels.

As far as TK is concerned, there is no physical separation across a space at higher levels--everything is already in physical contact. Only the particle attributes are changed to make an object appear at a different location of space in our reality is required.----So all these formulas and energies needed to MOVE an object and the brain/mind's ability to handle such energy is MEANINGLESS---that is why no FORCES are detected in TK events At a higher level the brain AND the object are essentially in physical contact--so no external "energy" is needed.
Telepathy is also explained by HUT---The brain/minds simply "overlap" at the higher levels. That's why there have been NO "telepathic signals" detected---there aren't any. The "radio analogy" of telepathy is bogus.

Bohn's QPF, has exactly the same qualities that Duke University's Rhine institute discovered about Telepathy in the 1960s It is "faster than light" and Does not decrease with distance from the source (does not follow the inverse square rule). Bhom used QPF to explain Quantum Entanglement, but it ALSO can explain Telepathy And TK

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