A cubic piece of metal measures 4.50 cm on each edge. If the metal is nickel, whose density is 8.90 g/cm3, wha?

2017-01-10 5:12 pm
t is the mass of the cube

回答 (3)

2017-01-16 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
volume ---> (4.50 cm)^3 = 91.125 cm^3

mass of cube ---> 91.125 cm^3 times 8.90 g/cm^3 = 811.0125 g

to three sig figs, 811 g
2017-01-10 5:28 pm
Volume of the cubic piece of nickel
= (length of each edge)³
= (4.5 cm)³
= 4.5³ cm³

Mass of the cubic piece of nickel
= volume × density
= (4.5³ cm³) × (8.90 g/cm³)
= 811 g
(3 sig. fig.)
2017-01-10 6:15 pm
4.5^3 * 8.9 = 811.0125 grams

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