We only have a 1 car drive way and a 1 car garage. But we are getting a 3rd car (for me to go to college) where do I park? (Toronto Ontario)?

2017-01-10 6:36 am
We do have a visitor's parking in our neighborhood but I realized that they do get tickets when they park there for more then maybe 2 days. We will be doing some landscaping and stuff so that we can fit a 3rd car but it is the middle of winter and I do need a car now. Where do I park? Is there anyway to avoid getting a ticket?

回答 (3)

2017-01-10 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some residential streets allow permit street parking so you would need to buy a monthly parking pass from the city. Find out if your street ( or a nearby street ) offers this.
2017-01-10 7:08 am
You can't. It's as simple as that. If it is not legal to park on the street, you will not be able to park it.
2017-01-10 7:17 am
Move your car so it's not sitting there constantly for 2days.

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