How To Delete Korean Apps From Android Phone?

2017-01-10 4:00 am
Good Day
I got LG G pro 2 handset full of Korean Apps , is there any way to uninstall them from the handset please , i am tried to delete them from setting but unfortunatly not possible

Thanks in advance

回答 (2)

2017-01-10 5:47 am
Yeah I think that rooting your phone is really the only way. I used an app called System app remover (ROOT) on my G3 and got rid of a bunch of useless Verizon and LG apps that I don't use. However, you have to be careful. There are apps that might seem useless, but are actually necessary for the proper operation of your phone.
2017-01-10 4:29 am
Root the phone, then you can delete whatever you want.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:59:50
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