Why do people in australia not fall off the world if they are upside down at the bottom?

2017-01-09 6:55 pm

回答 (5)

2017-01-09 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mple answer is gravity!

The earth has an enormous amount of gravity, and its pulling everything around it towards the center of the earth. No matter where you are around the earth, you're always pulled towards it.

The directions up and down dont really make sense when you think of the world as a whole. Down is always facing towards the center of the earth, up is always facing away from it.

This also works for the moon, if you're near the moon you're being pulled towards the center of it.
2017-01-09 7:17 pm
Our feet are like spidermans or a gecko they have tiny little hairs that are so small they even go through shoes without damaging them they keep us stuck down we think its amazing of course some people say it's gravity but they are a minority
2017-01-09 7:10 pm
2017-01-09 7:00 pm
Why dont Americans get altitude sickness from being up north?
2017-01-09 6:57 pm
We have different gravity

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