Short questions on English grammar and some sentences?

2017-01-09 1:03 am
Is the sentence grammatically correct?

1. The same thing doesn't happen the same to me.

Can "as happened to me" be used to convey the same meaning in this case. Please give your explanation on how to rephrase the sentence. Thank you!

回答 (3)

2017-01-09 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your sentence may well be grammatically correct, but it makes no sense at all. Grammar detectives may see your sentence as this:
1. The same thing doesn't happen to me.
2. It doesn't happen to me like that.
Your query about 'as happened to me' also makes no sense.
2017-01-09 1:13 am
Instead of, "The same thing doesn't happen the same to me."; try, The same thing does not occur in the same way to me.
2017-01-09 1:20 am
The same thing happened to me but in a different way.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:03:19
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