Obama.the narcissist,is finally leaving.that only leaves 3 cheers? www.thecommentator.com/article/6429/good_riddance_mr_obama?

2017-01-08 2:44 pm

回答 (5)

2017-01-08 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What a waste of eight years watching a poor imitation of Sammy Davis Junior.
2017-01-08 5:45 pm
Trump is a liar and a conman.
Obama's Reforms created 15.8 million jobs in 82 months. Unemployment dropped from 10% in 2009 to 4.7% [latest figures]

the troompa loompa is a disaster, voted in by a minority of electors and has only the electoral college and Vladimir Putin to thank that he is PEOTUS
2017-01-08 2:59 pm
Sure All hail to the new fuhrer Darth Trump, agent of evil and lies.
2017-01-08 7:14 pm
When you see Trump in action, you will be praising Obama!!!!
2017-01-08 7:53 pm
Clearly only once Obama has ended his terms in office, and Trump takes over will the American population - many of them - realise what they had in Obama. It's not that long since Obama was being welcomed as the Second Coming. People are so fical. And so easily conned.

If you think the Obama years have been bad, you ain't seen nothing yet! So far, Trump has promised the earth but there has been NO indication of how he's going to live up to his promises. None.

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