Is permanganic acid colorless?

2017-01-08 12:17 pm

回答 (1)

2017-01-08 12:56 pm
In an acidic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the colourless +2 oxidation state of the manganese(II) (Mn2+) ion.

8 H+ + MnO−4 + 5 e− → Mn2+ + 4 H2O
In a strongly basic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the green +6 oxidation state of the manganate ion, MnO2−4.

4 + e− → MnO2−4
In a neutral medium, however, it gets reduced to the brown +4 oxidation state of manganese dioxide MnO2.

2 H2O + MnO−4 + 3 e− → MnO2 + 4 OH−

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