What is Illuminati and why it it considered bad?

2017-01-07 5:30 pm

回答 (4)

2017-01-07 6:50 pm
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The Illuminati were a group of educated, progressive men who tried to educate the populace and gain women equal rights while exposing the corruption and dominance of the church and the King. They were harassed, arrested and oppressed by the king, who was in the pocket of the Catholic church, and disbanded. This happened in the 18th century.

Most of the people who believe in the Illuminati or any of the other class conspiracy groups, believe it because it justifies and rationalizes their own failure in the world. People are jealous of those who are successful, and they need an excuse for why they're not successful themselves. They want reasons for why things happen, because the idea of randomness is terrifying to them. The Illuminati, like the Masons, or the "New World Order", or any other made-up secret organization are a handy justification for their own failure, and an easy target to blame for things that are otherwise not understandable.
2017-01-07 9:59 pm
They existed, in Bavaria between 1776-1785. They were essentially a group that discussed politics as part of the European Enlightenment. They did have some secret rites, much like other groups, and the Prince-Elector thought such groups were plotting against him. Some in fact were, but, not the Illuminati. Still, they were outlawed with the rest.

However, having a cool name, and secrets meant that authors could use them, and write whatever they wanted, and as the group no longer exists, there is no-one to make any corrections. So, the stories have been getting wilder ever since then.
2017-01-07 5:35 pm
2017-01-07 6:02 pm
It is a gossip issue and not an R&S activity. Please forget it if it is not a "conspiracy theory".
參考: compiled.

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