Mental illness: Is it possible for ptsd to lay dormant?

2017-01-07 11:49 am
if I repressed the memories of csa for multiple years, when i was about 13 i started showing basically every sign of ptsd but i didnt know what was going on and a few months later i started having flashbacks and remembering bits of its and its just getting worse and worse so could the ptsd just have laid dormant until i began to recollect the abuse?

回答 (2)

2017-01-08 11:54 am
Yes, it is very possible. When ugly things happen to us as children because it is painful to remember we blank it out of our minds.
2017-01-07 12:13 pm
Yes that's possible. It was too traumatic to deal with so it was suppressed and was hidden. See a good psychologist for their help. There are some good and effective therapies that will help you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:25:26
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