4 years of president elect TRUMP will look like....?

2017-01-07 8:42 am

回答 (12)

2017-01-07 8:44 am
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I sort of wonder if anybody as crooked as TrumpTreason will last very long as President.

At SOME point, a president has to do actual President Stuff which TrumpTreason is really incapable of doing. He's far too much of a brainless flim-flam man.

And I'm sure he'll try the flim-flam for as long as he can...... but it will wear thin pretty quick!
2017-01-07 8:44 am
Armageddon, the holocaust. Donald Trump is going to take America back to what it was before the prohibition. Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, islamaphobic, and xenophobic bigot. He's made that quite clear through the statements he's said over the past year and a half. Donald Trump won the election because he appealed to angry racist white men in the rust belt. The people that voted for Donald Trump are the same people that watch WWE Wrestling and Nascar.
2017-01-07 8:48 am
Ave. 3-4 % growth in the economy. National debt starting to go down instead of up. Inner city kids having a chance because of school choice. Obama care replaced with something that works better and is less costly. Criminals from other countries sent home. A well controlled border. Embassy in Jerusalem where it belongs.
2017-01-07 8:47 am
Im afraid to say.
2017-01-07 9:58 am
A freaking disaster
2017-01-07 9:41 am
Will still look like s h i t.*
2017-01-07 8:47 am
A country even more divided, violent, and hateful than it is now.
2017-01-07 8:48 am
If we're to figure 1933 and 2017 are similar, it follows that in 2020 Trump makes America great indeed. Herein lies a sinister undertone. 1936 was before WW2 and Germany was a great nation too.

Things take a turn for the worse at six years into the administration WW3 happens.
All a hypothetical of course.

2017-01-07 8:43 am
Bea Arthur?
2017-01-08 9:11 am
He will not serve anywhere near four years. So, we will never know.
2017-01-07 8:45 am
... if the last month is any indication, the cheeks of what's left of the "yes we CAN!" kids are going to look like satellite images of the Grand Canyon...
2017-01-07 9:36 am
disaster, but the 70 yr old dt wont last 4 yrs

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