Can you update your university transcript after you sent it?

2017-01-07 7:32 am
I sent mine to a university, but i forgot to add one of the courses. Its connected with an online website and it lets you update your mark on the mark website that sends it to the university website.

回答 (3)

2017-01-07 7:52 am
You can't update a thing on a transcript - that's not your job. You can send an updated transcript if you'd like.
2017-01-08 2:45 am
The school sends an official one. You do not ever get to add or remove anything
2017-01-07 9:32 am
I think I know what you mean and for that, don't worry. The university may still ask you to submit a final OFFICIAL transcript (after you finish this academic year) and all your classes will be on that.

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