FULL REPEAL of O'care will remove nearly 20 taxes & save taxpayers more than 1 trillion $ over the next decade. DEMAND IT FROM YOUR REPS!?

2017-01-07 4:02 am

回答 (11)

2017-01-07 4:10 am
Right now, the 30 million people insured under Oamacare are at least paying some of their health care costs. Repeal Obamacare and it will go back to the way it was: taxpayers footing the ENTIRE cost of health care for these people. It's YOUR money you are throwing away -- assuming you have the ability to earn enough to pay taxes, which seems unlikely.
2017-01-07 4:07 am
Yet Democrats will tell you it costs nothing. It's all just government money, Obamas money, WHEEE!!!
2017-01-07 4:04 am
Conservatives vote for environmental destruction, families dying on hospital beds, Animal Abuse, and no public education for poor children.
2017-01-07 4:45 am
Full repeal will cost three million jobs. According to latest estimates, repealing the ACA in its entirety would cost roughly $350 billion through 2027 under conventional scoring and $150 billion using dynamic scoring.
2017-01-07 4:26 am
You still have to pay the 20 million that will lose healthcare
2017-01-07 4:23 am
Obamacare didn't make my crappy VA healthcare better or worse but I did warn you people before Phoenix story broke how bad it is when the gov gets involved!
2017-01-07 4:21 am
No repeal without a replacement. I have see the Republicans alternatives to Obamacare. None of them are better. Maybe today's Republicans have better ideas. Regardless, no vote to repeal unless they present the replacement.

Also, all the tax savings will go to those who make over $200,000. Those taxes were used to pay for closing of the doughnut hole in Medicare. Those taxes were used to provide tax credits to people who worked but their company did not provide health insurance so they could buy their insurance.

Call your reps to say, "No repeal unless you show a replacement better than Obamacare."
2017-01-07 4:20 am
It will do more harm than good to repeal unless a reasonable, alternative plan is put into motion at the same time. Sure, we might save some tax dollars, but we would put millions of poor people and those who are unable to get insurance without the ACA at risk.
2017-01-07 4:14 am
I think we'll get it. Obamacare has been dying on the vine for several years now. It was the worst piece of legislation to be passed in our nation's history. Remember "We have to pass it to know what is in it?" Oh my God what an incredibly stupid thing to say and attitude to take. Obamacare is over. All that remains now is to fix American health care with something workable, affordable and available. It really isn't and won't be that difficult.
2017-01-07 4:06 am
Not a question

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