Is there realy a secret space programme in America?

2017-01-07 2:24 am

回答 (29)

2017-01-07 4:41 am
Yes, there is. The National Reconnaissance Office operates a number of highly classified Keyhole and Lacrosse photo and electronic intelligence satellites. So secret are these programs that even the program names were classified until early 1980s for the Keyhole and 1990s for the Lacrosse. These satellites are massive, requiring the largest launch vehicles in the inventory to launch them. The design of the Hubble Space Telescope is actually based on that of an earlier generation of the Keyhole satellites.

The Air Force also operates a constellation of Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites that provide early warning of a hostile missile launch toward the US. The first DSP satellite launched in 1970. Over the decades since the DSP satellites were subject to block upgrades to increase their lifetime and capability. The current satellites in orbit are Block 5. There were a total of 23 DSP satellites launched; at least two satellites were lost to various launch vehicles mishaps or in-orbit failures.

The DSP constellation is being superseded by the Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) satellites. The Air Force launched one SBIRS satellite prototype and it is performing as expected. Both DSP and SBIRS systems are highly classified.

Another classified Air Force space program is the X-37B. A lifting body reusable spacecraft that traces its design to NASA's lifting body studies from the 1960s that preceded the Space Shuttle. The X-37B made a number of flights over the last 10 years. Each mission lasts up to a year. While its launch and landing times are impossible to hide and its orbital characteristics are known, what the X-37B is actually doing while in orbit remains a secret.
2017-01-11 2:54 am
Yes, there is. The National Reconnaissance Office operates a number of highly classified Keyhole and Lacrosse photo and electronic intelligence satellites. So secret are these programs that even the program names were classified until early 1980s for the Keyhole and 1990s for the Lacrosse. These satellites are massive, requiring the largest launch vehicles in the inventory to launch them. The design of the Hubble Space Telescope is actually based on that of an earlier generation of the Keyhole satellites.
2017-01-07 2:49 am
No, not really.

However, NASA's is not the only one.
The armed forces still have their own, separate space program.
You may hear a lot less about them, but we all know their program exists, and those of us who care about it, do know what is going on.

They don't always tell us what they are launching and what purpose each satellite serves, but it is very difficult to hide a rocket launch.

I have friends (amateur astronomers) who take pleasure in tracking each new satellite launched from the USA (and elsewhere, when they can).

One day, while star-hopping from faint galaxy to faint galaxy, I spotted a tight group of three satellites (forming a small triangle) orbiting "in formation". This is to make use of the principles of interferometry when the computer-synchronised images from three satellites gives you the same resolution as one giant lens. We later found out that they were very useful in identifying formations of military vessels (and their movements) anywhere on the planet.

The information was "publicly" available... just a bit difficult to find if you did not already know about them.

There are also private programs (not run by government); however, because they need to interest investors, they tend to make the information better known, easier to find (e.g., Space Exploration Technologies Corporation = SpaceX).
2017-01-07 2:34 am
Well, there's no secret space program, but there *are* military cargoes that are launched on occasion that are secret. The shuttle used to have a mission every so often where the details were hidden from the public - but the launch and flight of the shuttle wasn't a secret. The air force is testing the X37B, which looks like a small space shuttle; it's cargo and capabilities are confidential.. but, even when *it* launches - it's not a secret it's going up...
2017-01-12 1:43 am
Yes there is. The secret is that there is no space program. Buzz Aldrin stated on his death bed that he never stepped a foot on the moon. He went on to say that the US has never been in space. The cargo is being launched, BUT it is not going into space. I can't get into where it goes because the average person, world wide, believes the one big lie that NASA and the schools tell us. I have taken time to investigate all this. During the military I held a top secret cryptography clearance so during that time many things come to light.
2017-01-10 4:18 am
You can't get a satellite into orbit and have the launch be secret. The rocket trail is too visible.

You can get a satellite into orbit and have the content in the satellite be secret. The top of the rocket is covered by a wind screen that is opaque.
2017-01-09 12:05 pm
The thing is even if such a said secret exist. Firing a rocket into space would be seen by a large number of people. So maybe they could make the cargo secret, but hardly the hide the fact you launched something into space.
2017-01-07 8:40 am
1. NASA is NOT the civilian science agency ppl believe it to be.
2. In the act of congress that created it, it's clearly stated that ANY discovery is subject to classification and secrecy.
We don't need a secret space force for secret missions to occur daily.
....... So.... The answer..... Is both Yes and no lol
2017-01-07 8:35 am
Don't be surprised to learn that there are secrets.

The USA has been dropping bombs on other countries for YEARS, all in secret.

The USA has been killing it's own citizens for YEARS, in secret.

I don't like this answer that I am leaving you, but what I'm typing here is fact.

For example, the worst terrorist attack in the history of the USA?
Go look on YouTube, have a look at the videos that show the twin towers falling down. Notice how they fall straight down, perfectly, Ono heir own footprint (is an impossibility if the official story were true). Buildings 1, 2 and 7 were controlled demolitions. It doesn't give me ANY pleasure in the SLIGHTEST WAY leaving you such an answer, but I am typing this because I am without doubt of the legitimacy of this info.

If you do look at some 911 videos, have a look at when the towers fall down, note how, plumes of dust shoot out BELOW the actual place where the building is "crushing it self". I believe those plumes of smoke are from explosives.

Also, in physics: A smaller object of equal substance to a larger object (made of the same stuff) cannot obliterate the larger object. That's basically what they want you to believe happened on 9/11. That the top parts of the buildings somehow managed to disintegrate into dust and then all of that dust was able to destroy the entirety of the rest of the building. 911 was basically an impossible feat, according to the official story.

The truth is, the secret, is that somebody planted explosive devices into the Wtc buildings. Just look at the video of building 7.

Why, you ask? In order o invade the middle east. It was probably Mossad (The Israelis... The Jews)
2017-01-07 7:06 am
There are secret satellite launches and secret satellites, and some of the satellites having an unclassified primary mission have classified secondary missions. The specific capabilities that enable those secondary missions, such as the detector's angular resolution and bandpass, are usually also classified. Sometimes, the satellite's orbit is classified (and sometimes it isn't).

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