poll: do you like eggs?

2017-01-07 1:20 am

回答 (13)

2017-01-10 1:58 am
Eggs (in any manner or form) gross me out.
2017-01-08 12:07 pm
Nope, not even a fan of scrambled eggs. They taste like metal to me..
2017-01-07 2:15 am
Yes. Scrambled, fried, omelet, sunny side up, over easy.......any way you make it I like it.
2017-01-07 2:14 am
Of course I like eggs.
2017-01-07 1:31 am
2017-01-07 1:28 am
I love 'em - poached eggs are great for keeping you trim.
2017-01-07 1:27 am
2017-01-07 1:26 am
Yes especially eggs benedict
2017-01-07 1:26 am
Yes. But i have an allergy to them
2017-01-07 1:23 am
Yes, poached preferably.
2017-01-07 1:23 am
I do.
2017-01-07 1:21 am
2017-01-07 1:21 am
No way, too stinky

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