請幫忙翻譯下列句子成英文 : 1. 這個職務是我一直以來很想做的理想工作,所以我想多了解,還有沒有那些條件是我要先具備的? 2. 我想更進一步的了解貴公司的升遷制度?

2017-01-06 6:19 pm

回答 (3)

2017-01-06 9:22 pm
To Cola:-
(1)This job position is an ideal post I always dreamed of. What are those pre-requisite conditions needed for me to have?

(2)I wouid like to know more about your promotion prospect in your organization.
2017-01-09 6:24 pm
1. This job is an ideal job that I want to be for a long time, so I want to find out that are there any requirements for the job.
2: I want to know further about your company's promotion system
2017-01-07 2:12 am
1. 這個職務是我一直以來很想做的理想工作,所以我想多了解,還有沒有那些條件是我要先具備的?
This position has been a dream job for me. I would like to get more information about it for my self evaluation.

2. 我想更進一步的了解貴公司的升遷制度
I like to learn more about your award and promotion system.

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