What is wrong with my car now?

2017-01-06 1:10 pm
I have a 2004 Pt cruiser Touring Edition. If your comment is that Pt. Cruiser sucks anyways then just don't even bother. I happen to love how my car looks and it's bright blue. Anyways, it just got out of the shop because I needed wheel bearing. Before that it was a squeaking belt. Now something else is wrong. It's not been starting easily. I have to keep cranking it. It cranks several times before it starts up. I went to go to work the other day and it would not start at all. My mom pops the hood and jiggles around with battery and it started. I have to keep cranking it to start though. My check engine light just came on too. What's wrong now

回答 (6)

2017-01-06 1:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Are both your battery terminals tight and clean enough for a good connection? Is your battery bad? Can be checked at an auto parts store. I think they also can check the alternator and maybe even the starter with their test equipment and they might not charge you if you can get the car to their parking lot.
2017-01-06 1:16 pm
Well... without saying PT Cruisers suck.... it IS a 13 year old Chrysler product based on the 22 year old Neon platform... so it is well well well past its best before date.

Try fuel pump or coil packs. It's going to be niggly crap like this that will force you to consign it to the wreckers soon because they simply aren't worth fixing.
2017-01-06 1:24 pm
the joys of driving old cars try turn the key on and off a few times before you start it the idea is to prime the fuel rail up to see if its losing fuel pressure while its sitting, see if that helps
2017-01-06 1:53 pm
Nobody but a mechanic who has examined the car can answer this.

But, we can say, dude, it's a 13 year old car.
2017-01-06 9:18 pm
First of all just because you like the bright blue color and looks of the vehicle doesn't change the fact that mechanically they are a POS. If you like the thing and want to keep it get used to the idea you need a good mechanic to fix all the problems you'll be having. I'd go find a mechanic today and have them go over everything that the vehicle needs and have a list made with those things written down in order of importance so you know where to start. Good Luck.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-01-06 1:36 pm
Weak battery. Get it charged or buy a new one. How did you correct your squeaking belt? (All you needed to do was tighten it up).

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