Even if all these negative things where true about Donald Trump, "at this point what difference does it make?"?

2017-01-06 9:27 am

回答 (12)

2017-01-06 9:30 am
None of the lies spread about Obama are true. He was able to be POTUS.
Many of the objections to Trump are based on fact. Trump is going to be a disaster.

It really will make a difference.
2017-01-06 9:37 am
It means we have a president who is a rapist, prevaricator, conman, Russki suckerupper and charlatan of a snake oil salesman.
2017-01-06 9:45 am
"All that played well during the campaign, but now we don't care, right? 'Cause I won."
2017-01-06 9:33 am
Huge difference - America need to unite against the destruction of social security, Medicare, the public school system and personal freedoms. We will need to defeat Trump in '20, but no reason to cave in now.
2017-01-06 9:29 am
By "at this point", you mean TWO weeks before he becomes PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?? Different "points", dude. Different importance.
2017-01-06 9:39 am
They are true and there is more that is true, like seventy five more lawsuits involving him. What difference does it make? It clearly shows that middle Americans were taken in by specious promises. And they deserve to know how badly they were conned. In the meantime we need to make a difference to keep our country a healthy democracy and make sure our elected leaders know how we feel about things like defunding Planned Parenthood at the same time we plan to cut health care for those on Medicaid and Medicare. Trust me when I say no one wants that but Ryan and his band of fascists.
2017-01-06 9:31 am
The peoples voices will be heard. We will not sit silent and allow Americas new king to overthrow our government . that's un American
2017-01-06 9:29 am
None now. The election is over.
2017-01-06 9:49 am
Anyone calling Trump a "fascist" is just as ignorant as anyone calling Obama's presidency a "tyranny". If they actually believe Trump is Hitler they should arm up and save us all from another Holocaust! Save us Obe Wan, you're our only hope!
2017-01-06 9:29 am
I know right
2017-01-06 9:46 am
You would think that after the claws have come out of CNN and Hillary is no longer feeding the false stories to the Media Liberals would catch on. I like to make decisions based on Factual information for example. These people are like people that assume HANG YOU without a Trial.
2017-01-06 9:43 am
Libs need their delusions otherwise reality would crush them mentally.

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