Why do fast food places like BK and DQ and Wendy's ruin a burger by piling it with lettuce and tomato?

2017-01-06 6:10 am
I like Wendy's burgers and BK burgers way better than McDonald's. But I always have to remember to say "No lettuce, no tomato." McDonald's doesn't ruin most of their burgers with vegetables, why do the other places do that? Plus sometimes even if I remember to say it, they put it on anyways and i gotta pick it off and picking shredded lettuce is so hard to get every shred.

回答 (16)

2017-01-09 11:04 pm
Because that's what burgers have
2017-01-06 11:50 pm
Jeff, life is hard. In your case, you are a minority - you do not want lettuce, tomato and/or pickle on your hamburger, so you must ask them not to put it on. That is tough. If the burger constructor forgets, I suggest returning the burger to get what you want. Personally, Tad does not want the onions, so he remembers to ask. Happy new year.
2017-01-06 7:47 am
pickles are on McD burgers unless you ask then to leave them off. And lettuce on big macs.
2017-01-12 1:26 am
It's a matter of personal taste. Many people like veggies on burgers.
2017-01-07 2:46 am
You can ask them to not put lettuce or tomatoes, but don't be surprised if it takes longer or they get it wrong
2017-01-07 11:27 am
You skid row dirt poor?
Only those kind eat any fast food!
Go to your local sandwich shop or go to Giant, Wegmans, Whole Foods... and buy real food and spend money where it stays in your local economy!
2017-01-06 6:12 am
By all means, don't eat anything healthy.
2017-01-06 9:47 pm
Because thats what burgers have at regular restaurants just tell them you dont want it and they wont put it in
2017-01-06 2:56 pm
Learn to like veggies, stop whining, and learn to cook for yourself.
2017-01-06 10:40 am
Because that's what burgers have

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