Is it okay to post a photo in my knickers? (With a top on)?

2017-01-06 3:31 am
Before you call me a hoe, I just want to explain that I'm simply standing up with a top on, in my calvins in front of a mirror. I don't want a quickie or attention blah blah blah, I just really like this photo. I've seen models on Instagram post them or famous people, so is it okay if I do? You know, for my 'social reputation'?

回答 (2)

2017-01-06 10:28 am
I didn't know kids had to have a social reputation already. AFAIK, they should be working on their character first and a lot of that comes from the parents' values.
2017-01-06 5:19 am
What are your professional aspirations? Employers look on social media sites and may reject candidates based on their social media postings.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:05:38
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