The compound CH2F2 has polar bonds present. Which of the following intermolecular forces are holding the molecules together?

2017-01-05 10:16 pm
A. Dispersion Forces
B. Dispersion and dipole-dipole forces
C. Dispersion forces, dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonds
D. None of the above. It is an ionic compound

回答 (2)

2017-01-05 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are NO hydrogen bonds between CH₂F₂ molecules. This is because the H atoms in each molecules are NOT positive enough to form hydrogen bonds.

CH₂CF₂ molecule contains polar bonds and their dipole moments cannot cancel each other as the molecule is NOT symmetric. Therefore, CH₂CF₂ molecules are polar. There are dipole-dipole forces between CH₂CF₂ molecules.

There are dispersion forces between all molecules. Therefore, there are dispersion forces between CH₂CF₂ molecules.

The answer: B. Dispersion and dipole-dipole forces
2017-01-05 10:57 pm
Here is the thought process you need - with two H and two F the molecule is not symmetrical and will therefore be a polar (has a dipole) molecule ... as a polar covalent molecule (not ionic) it can have ..... intermolecular forces? Further the H are not connected to the F directly. Hint, what do you need for H-bonds?

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