I want to go to Japan for collage and I need some tips on how to do this?

2017-01-05 4:04 am
For years I have been completely obsessed with Japan, well not quite obsessed but I have wanted to live there for a long time. Next year will be my senior year in high school, I’ve been getting good grades and pretty sure I’ll get a good ACT score. I’ve also been learning much Japanese as well. I’ve been saving every penny I’ve gotten as well. What else should I do to fulfill my dream of going to Japan for collage.

it was a typo i meant to say college. So yeah....

回答 (6)

2017-01-05 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
So, given your lower level of Japanese ability, presumably a course in English would be preferable?

In that case, this is a good place to start.

You can study Japanese at the same time as working on your degree. If you work hard, you can be fluent by graduation.

The other option, as others have said, is to come to a Japanese language school for a couple of years, and then attempt an exam known as the EJU. In that case, you would be studying for a course taught in Japanese.
2017-01-05 5:22 pm
Do you speak Japanese?
2017-01-05 6:37 am
There are two types of visa for students in japan, a college student visa and a pre-college visa. A student visa is one where you have been accepted in to the university you have the requisite language skills (usually N1 of the Japanese language proficiency test) and apply directly to the university. Pre-college is for those students with N2 or below and have to spend a year or so studying Japanese in a private language school before entering a university. For these as well as airfare you need to pay for tuition in advance (anything from $6-10,000) as well as arrange accomodation and pay living costs. Some universities offer undergraduate classes taught in English by native speaker professors but you wont study with Japanese students unless you can speak the language and keep up with the lessons.
2017-01-05 4:22 am
Learn to spell "college" for one thing...

Unless you're fluent in Japanese, and are able to pass the Japanese college entrance exams, you're not going to college in Japan.

Your best bet is to get into a US college, and then get into a study abroad program. I went to a program run through my college and the other colleges in Michigan for instance. In addition to intensive language classes, we were also taking classes about Japanese history, politics, and other topics related to Japan. The credits earned applied to our college back in the US.

Be sure the program you select offers homestay, where you live with a Japanese family. I cannot emphasize how much this helped my Japanese. I easily learned more in just 1 weekend than I had in an entire semester. Even my teachers noticed how fast my Japanese improved doing nothing more than trying to speak to the family's young kids without them laughing at me.

This program was very expensive however. In addition to paying your normal tuition for your home university, the program itself was another $30,000. And that was over 20 years ago. Luckily I was able to get massive amounts of financial aid, even though most of it was in the form of student loans. Totally worth it though. Within a few years after graduating, I was working in jobs where knowledge of Japanese was an important requirement - and one that companies were more than willing to pay handsomely.
2017-01-05 10:28 am
- understand Japanese
- apply for course
- apply for visa
- pay for course
- find accommodation
- pay for accommodation
- learn the difference between college and collage (or are you talking about going to art school?)
2017-01-05 1:31 pm
noun: collage; plural noun: collages

a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.
the art of making collages.
a collection or combination of various things.
"a collage of musical genres"

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