What are some common themes of movies in the 1980 s?

2017-01-05 1:29 am

Add some teen flick movies of this generation if u want :)

回答 (6)

2017-01-05 2:00 am
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I grew up during the 1980s, and I remeber me and my male friend watching
- action movies (Rambo, Terminator etc)
- song and dance movies (Flashdance, Footloose - mostly with girlfriends)
- SciFi (HUGE topic among us whether Starwars or Startrek)
- ANYTHING, really ANYTHING with a fast car, and THUS, and that's the one who rules them all:


All parts, everything

Except, and I didn't tell that to my friends then:
The Last Unicorn and Watership Down.
I had a girl then who loves unicorns and lonesome rabbits, and so ... -- Dear friends, if you read this, I apologise to my fraternity that I had to break my vow to not ever watch cartoon movies with sentimental songs. As a punishment, I'll watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" a dozen times over. Deal? ;)
2017-01-05 1:35 am
Technology, the future, fantasy, supernatural
2017-01-05 1:31 am
A lot of action, fantasy, and horror came from the 80's. I would also give this decade the credit of the official birth of the rom-com.
2017-01-05 4:22 pm
Society falling apart was a very prevalent theme
2017-01-05 6:07 am
Group of kids go on an adventure and it's a growing up experience, like: Goonies, Stand By Me, Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead etc.
2017-01-05 1:42 am
A lot of action movies like Rambo, Commando, etc.

The success of Star Wars started a trend for science fiction and fantasy.

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