Just curious why is Days of Our Lives still a thing?

2017-01-04 5:22 pm

回答 (6)

2017-01-06 12:26 am
To me its on its last leg.. The story lines are so unbelievable and its so stupid. I am down to watching it half an hour and still know whats going on.
2017-01-04 10:48 pm
Because people still watch it, it's cheap to make and rakes in huge amounts of advertising revenue.
2017-01-06 1:54 am
Of the four soap operas remaining, "Days" has a high cult following. It may not be the highest rated or best critically reviewed soap opera, but if you check out the message board on the IMDB or Soap Central, you will notice the passionate arguments over it. There are posters who rant continuously, get their posts blocked or deleted, and I have not seen such behavior on the boards for other soap operas. This goes back well over 20 years. Perhaps the number of "super couples" they've had on the show at one time creates this passion, but it is obvious to me that many of their fans are beyond obsessed.
2017-01-06 7:22 am
i wish they cancelled the damn show. it made its run years ago. same scripts sex betrayals actor leaving left and right i can go on. i been watching days off and on since the 1970s i was a child . the show is a joke to me. it is time for it to go. yes i will miss it.
2017-01-05 7:06 pm
Good question, the s/l's and casting have been horrible for a long time, it's just a matter of time, I am surprised it's still on and Kristian Alfonso just renewed her contract (lucky girl).
2017-01-08 1:22 pm
I just posted a question a few moments ago..... I heard it's getting cancelled to make room for Kelly who has left FOX tv and will have her own show on NBC

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