What's gonna get to me first, Cancer, Diabetes, or Alcoholism?

2017-01-04 8:51 am
I'm a smoker, I get drunk every now and then, and I eat a lot a junk food, I get drunk every now and then and Cancer runs through my fathers side, Alcoholism through my Mothers, and Diabetes through both, and I'm only 16 what's gonna get me?

回答 (6)

2017-01-04 8:52 am
I vote for stupidity
2017-01-04 11:00 pm
Stupidity apparently.
2017-01-04 5:40 pm
Cancer will get you first.
2017-01-04 10:24 am
you are your own worst enemy....BUT you may likely stretch your time on earth, by simply neutralizing the acid making foods, alcohol and junk food/sweets/carbs all produce acid for the cancer to pick a spot and make it go nuclear.......apple cider vinegar capsules 4caps, 3x a day , should neutralize the acid and make life more bearable, but I can't give a time frame here. and take them til you die !
2017-01-04 9:43 am
Sigh.......drama queen.
1. cancer - you get cancer afte 25+ years of smoking. Entirely preventable if you don't smoke.
2. Diabetes is entirely preventive if you eat healthy, exercise regularly and keep your weight in normal rage.
3. Alcoholism is entirely preventable if you don't drink.

I give you a normal life expectancy of 85 years if you get your **** together and stop being hopeless and self destructive!
2017-01-04 8:53 am
Alcoholism will kill you first when you wrap your car around a light pole.

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