Why do atheists dislike everything pro god?

2017-01-04 5:16 am
On yahoo answers, you could see majority of people dislike everything that hints god exists. Is it because there s a lot of atheists on this site or....?

回答 (8)

2017-01-06 5:40 am
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The people who frequent Yahoo are not representative of atheism at large. Sure, there are a lot of good people on here and I have often found calm and reasonable responses from other atheists I have encountered. However, the internet seems to be bring out the donkey-hole in some people, so you frequently run into trolls who like nothing better than to see how best they can rile up others by saying something to purposely get under their skin.

Those are the type of people you are most likely to find who dislike the mere mention of anything to do with gods. The vast majority of atheists don't care what you do or do not believe in the privacy of your own home, they just wish to be left alone to live their lives in peace.

Of course some of us also do come on Yahoo because we enjoy rational discussing and value knowledge and reason so seek to correct misinformation when we encounter it. So perhaps sometimes what you see as disliking "everything that hints god exists" is actually just people responding to those claims, questioning the veracity and asking for evidence, or simply pointing out the flaws in their reasoning. Disagreeing with your opinion does not mean disliking "everything pro god."

Also it is a bit of confirmation bias based on the types of questions you read and respond to. Personally I encounter far more mean-spirited posters who are self-professed Christians, or trolls who want to get under our skin. The most vitriolic voices also tend to be the loudest ones, they post more frequently and their words are more memorable. But just because they are the loudest does not mean that they are representative of the entire population, usually it is just a very vocal minority. Assuming most atheists are anti-Theists would be like assuming most Christians are Creationists. It is a very small yet annoyingly lour minority.
2017-01-04 5:19 am
They also dislike things that are pro-Voldemort....

or pro-ANYTHING that suggests imaginary creatures exist in reality.

Atheists don't favor things that DUMB-DOWN people.
2017-01-04 5:24 am
What, you want me to like the drowning of babies? The burning to death of babies with fiery sulphur? The killing of babies (punishing their mothers) for the sins of Pharaoh? The slaughter of babies by the sword at God's command?

"Love thy neighbor"? A needle buried in a dung-laden haystack.
2017-01-04 5:18 am
Same reason Christians dislike reality, it clashes with their beliefs.
2017-01-04 8:12 am
Disbelief is not associated with a dislike.
2017-01-04 5:21 am
Atheists hate God, that is why.
2017-01-04 5:24 am
Yeah the majority of people on this category are atheists that enjoy spending their time mocking something they think doesn't exist and making fun of those who believe, because they think it's "fun."
2017-01-04 5:21 am
Yahoo puts out this big lollipop titled "Religion" and we all come here to take a lick on it. Doesn't matter how you like it or don't like it. Your here just like me to get what you can while you can.

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