Chemistry Help: Common Ion Effect?

2017-01-03 11:40 am
Describe what would happen to a Al(OH)3 solution if
a) a few drops of concentrated Al(NO3)3 solution is added slowly. Justify answer based on a reaction
b) A few drops of concentrated KOH solution is added slowly. Justify answer using a reaction

回答 (1)

2017-01-03 5:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The solubilizing of Al(OH)₃ is a reversible reaction with the equation.
Al(OH)₃(s) ⇌ Al³⁺(aq) + 3OH⁻(aq)

When Al(NO₃)₃ solution is added slowly, the concentration of Al³⁺ ions increases. This leads to the shift of equilibrium position to the left. Hence, when a certain amount of Al(NO₃)₃ solution has been added, the white precipitate of Al(OH)₃(s) is formed.

The solubilizing of Al(OH)₃ is a reversible reaction with the equation.
Al(OH)₃(s) ⇌ Al³⁺(aq) + 3OH⁻(aq)

When KOH solution is added slowly, the concentration of OH⁻ ions increases. This leads to the shift of equilibrium position to the left. Hence, when a certain amount of KOH solution has been added, the white precipitate of Al(OH)₃ is formed.

However, when excess KOH is added to the reaction mixture, soluble aluminate ions are formed and thus the white precipitate of Al(OH)₃ is re-dissolved to give a colorless solution.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:59:45
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