Is 401(k) safe?

2017-01-03 10:51 am
I always heard to max out your 401(k) contributions. Now that I'm finally with a company that offers this as a benefit, they send me to a company that warns it's not FDIC insured and make all sorts of disclaimers (like I could lose the principal) that make me paranoid.

Is it safe?

回答 (9)

2017-01-03 2:22 pm
Investments in the stock market are not FDIC insured (unlike deposits in a bank account) and stock market investments can go down in value. However over the long term stocks have gone up more than other asset classes (like bonds) and if your employer is matching contributions, then it's a good idea to invest in a 401(k) and max it out.
2017-01-03 10:55 am
401k's can lose value.

Mine lost about 20% in the Great Recession.

However, I let it ride, and it was up about 50% over the next 2 years.

401k's are a long-term vehicle. Invest in quality Mutual Funds and you should be fine.
2017-01-04 7:09 am
Stocks are SIPC insured.

From Wikipedia: "The SIPC fund, which constitutes an insurance program, is designed to protect the customers of brokers or dealers subject to the SIPA from loss in case of financial failure of the member. The fund is supported by assessments upon its members. If the fund should become inadequate, the SIPA authorizes borrowing against the U.S. Treasury. An analogy could be made to the role of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the banking industry."

This doesn't protect you from stock losses - it protects you from a broker than runs away with your funds and entertains a girlfriend in the Caribbean on your 401K funds.
2017-01-07 7:43 am
In a 401k, most investments are made in mutual funds. Mutual funds invest in hundreds of companies and average out their gains/losses each day. So they are safer than individual stocks. 401k's over time make money-not every year though-remember 2008-9? Most folks lost money-me too. But that loss was erased since then. Over time, you will make money.
Over the past 20 years, each time I got a raise, I would raise my contribution to my 401k by 1%. Never missed it in the paycheck. By the time I was able to retire at age 55, I was maxing out my annual contribution every year.
2017-01-07 6:59 am
As long as you don't pull out money when the balance goes down, it always comes back up. That means it's safe against everything but your own emotions.
2017-01-05 2:38 am
There is other insurance besides FDIC? I'm not sure what they are without googling but....
2017-01-04 7:42 pm
You will hear many things - most are wrong.

You REALLY want a ROTH IRA, and you really want to max out your compounded growth.
2017-01-03 1:43 pm
depends on what you invest in. You can lose money on stocks or bonds
2017-01-03 11:22 am
401(k) investments are not only safe but smart to use, especially if your company contributes some of the money for you. Like any investment, you'll see the value of your portfolio go up and down in the short term, but it'll always increase over the long term. I've had 401(k) investments since they were first offered and have increased my money over a long time by about 1000%. What a deal !!!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:59:46
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